Let's Sum Up Julian2's Drama...

Let's boil this down a bit.

Suspended for 2 Weeks due to a video,

Shunned out of the community,

Taken off of the official banner,

Taken out of all of the Jambassitor Group Chats,

"You know, it's not easy to crush someone's dreams, but Animal Jam has done it. I've gotten the message, loud and clear. I am no longer wanted in this community by the developers and community managers because of one clip from a video where I showed two bushes that looked like they were mating in the game.... I'm suspended two weeks later without any clue of when I might be able to return. I've been taken off of the channel banner and forced out of the Youtuber Group Chat. The message is clear. After four years of free advertising for this company, I am no longer welcome. I refuse to be treated as an asset to be disposed of at any moment in which I don't fall perfectly in line with the company's agenda. I know my fan base is a little more compassionate, however, and will actually continue to accept me. Therefor unless some drastic change suddenly happens (very unlikely) I will not be playing Animal Jam on my channel any longer. If the game doesn't want me, then I will accept it." -Julian2aj Instagram Post Snip

While I collected all of this information in a hurry when I saw that this was going down yesterday, and it was already done and over with, slightly, and some of the dust had settled, I have decided to go into the battlefield and collect as much information as I can to enlighten this moment and shed some light on what is going on, because obviously lots of things are going on....

As Julian mentioned in his Instagram, 'to have your dreams crushed' comes out as a little blunt, and personally seems to be blowing this a little out of proportion. But at the same time many others have put their opinions in, saying that Animal Jam HQ was making a point, proving that they can Ban even a famous Jammer. But at the same time, there is a point where Julian had mentioned that he had 4 whole years of free advertising bringing many, many people. Just for him to be suspended, removed from the banners, all over a video that he had made.

But as mentioned within Aparri's video, explain how Julian2 uploaded his video onto YT, showing 2 topiary bushes 'mating'. (Which could be considered a ban able offense according to AJHQ) Which followed to many, many, of Julian2's followers to copy, and make the same topiary 'mating' bush that Julian had showed in his video. Which caused AJHQ to suspend all people who did it for 20 days, following Julian for 20 days. Which he also says and claims that this was AJHQ showing that Just because you are considered a 'famous jammer' doesn't mean that you can get away with something that can get you banned if you were not famous. That being said, it also brings up the argument that he was just showing AJHQ something that they can fix, but relatively speaking he also didn't have to put it up for thousands of people to view an then try to recreate, to as Amari said 'Strive toward their rolemodel'.

But you know, That's none of my business....


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