So it comes to a point in life that I question what I am doing anymore....
Read at your own exspense. And Acer appologises for the lack lister of barely any gifs and images, the one Gif that is in here had to be coded in by hand and it took a while, so would all of the images that were selected, Sorry!


It's around 1 am and im browsing looking for some good topics that I could get into a and possibly make a rant about like my past Non-Member Equality rant I made a long long time ago. So I make a poll and ask what you guys want. LOW AND BEHOLD- It is about Aparri.

Now let me just say this right now I personally don't care about Aparri, yeah I remeber a long time ago when this blog was called the Animal Jam News Hawks and I started a joke serries called 'Animal Jam Drama Alert' as a little joke because I joined Keemstar's Discord and talked to a few people who said it would be funny if I did do it.  So I did, and keep note this is back in the day when I was salty with many many jammers. But long story short I end up going on Hiatus and low and behold when I come back Aparri has started the exact same serries, and my account was banned off of AJ for no reason. This was that time period when many of the people that read the once around every two months that I posted an update on my sittuation, I finnaly got a reply back from AJHQ in email, saying how a 'jammer has reported you to AJHQ, and we can not undo what had been done' Yes, I got my account unbanned, but the orginal username I had chosen even when I went through all the procedgures that AJHQ had provided for me to get my username back, 'were not valid' but of course, you see when someone such as Julian2 had this problem it was sorted out right away....

And then there are other epople that wernt as luck as I, such as Zarfy, I saw his little rant on appari before his Youtube account was removes, along with his instagram, and furthermore AJ account. But the thing that really got me was the ILLEGAL things that he has done, while in emails AJHQ has promised that third-party things such as Passwords incripters and crackers could be used, but obviously not.... And while things highlighting the little rant such as stealing some of the most beta items from 12 year olds, etc.  But of corse no one is going to stop someone like aparri, because as the Most subscribed AJ Youtuber, he is advertising AJ without Animal Jam having to pay for it themselves, and if AJHQ banned Aparri? He wouldn't make anymore AJ videos, meaning a giant loss of money. Of corse he isnt the only one, some people just get through the loopholes and the ones that were left in the dust are just brushed aside.

Clickbait. Caps lock, and Headaches.
That one already explains itself dosent it?
I mean a few weeks ago I was looking for a post Idea I saw a video by Aparri .. wondering what it was so that I could possibly make a post about it and add onto that topic, I watched the some 23 min long drabble on random things, that had nothing to do on the topic of the Rarest Pet On AJ. I mean at least when I was looking at some jammers videos for the creepiest places in AJ Julian2 had a credible video and wasnt him drabbling on about something completly off topic milking the Youtube Ad Algarythm (Hopefully I spelled that right) to make some money on the side, I don't know about Aparri if he has already made a statement on what the money goes to. But I know many of the Jammers that are in Highschool or possibly before are using the money to go into their college funds, And people mat ask what I make money on.

Simple. Its nothing, I makes no money off of any of my websites. I just do it for the experience.

I mean, don't get me wrong I like some of his videos and the amount of editing he does in some of them takes skill, I make gifs and sometimes edit videos for my blogs, And trust me its no easy task.

But ack to Zarfys video because it had some pretty big things in it. One I was a little suprised anout and I know because I have been through it. Was how Aparri and Bruizer ganged up on Zarfy and took down his reputation like Twenty øne Piølts taking down the steryotype that rap can't make people cry.  And then leaking personal Information? I mean personally experiencing this being threatened to me by a friend is utterly horrifying, because similar to Zarfy like me I put up a lot a barriers to make sure no one would be able to know me Irl. And I am little scared to this day thinking that it is going to come back at be and as the saying goes 'bite me in the ***' later on in life... Then to repeadidly use the Keemstar word itself. Nugget. Yeah you thought I was actually going to put it in a post.

Everyone type in the comments Aparri is a stupid Nugget.

Just kidding don't do that thats a Jag move.

Then it was brought back up to the hacking theme that Aparri had hacked into the developers website and leaked tons of things that were going to be put into AJ. But of course, say someone like AnimaljamLoverXDKawaiiRawr3998 Did that someone better call the calvary because AJHQ would instantly get that sittuated out, but because once again, we have a 'famous jammer' and AJHQ just sets a blind eye on it...

Like I said Zarfy has a lot of key points dosen't it?

But little did the jammers know as Acer was trying to upload this she had raged around 7 times because she had to code the giphy into this blog post because it wouldnt work any other way.....
Oh how she hated coding.

Oh and just a head up because this will be coming soon, just as a little break from this because soon Im proboly going to get banned and this website 110% more hate coming soon.



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