
Showing posts from February 19, 2017


When life gives you lemons..... Park a sports car in a tree. because that just legit

Skorm? Buddy you alright?

Might just be me, But yanno I am pretty sure that this was your new user by the end of the stream?

I Won One Of Tropee's Giveaways

Long story short, I have been winning lots of giveaways. I think this is like the 5th one this week that  have won.... GG.

I think the magenta craze has gone to far....

No further comment.


So like, during Skorm's welcome back stream he did like an hour ago, I saw puppies and i just kinda.... totally didn't sneak a picture. I also joined multiple streams today saying 'oh look its everyone's favorite blogger' and almost all of them said 'who?' so yeah. heh..... no one knows who I am

Acer's Look Has Changed!

Here it is everyone! Here are a bunch of cool polaroid like edits you guys asked for on Instagram! Acer's on vacation now and that's why everything's gonna be fresh and Sunny! I hope everyone Enjoy's this new theme because it will last for 30 POSTS! I would go and swim with the dolphins but I just got a Tail weave done and I didn't want to ruin it in the ocean. Enjoying the mazing view of some random streamer's home- that I TOTALY didn't sneak in to! Dinner with the..... Party for 1..... Aka FUN! Hot tubs full of friends- oh wait never mind. Fun! Still with the ocean water and the tail weave.... Enjoying this lovely house beach mansion!

Search Bar! (Finding usernames)

Hey guys! Some people have asked me about trying to find if their Instagram was mentioned// featured on this blog! Let me show you how to find if you have been featured or not! First your gonna wanna go to this little side bar right here. Then you will type in your Instagram name.... Then the results will pop up for you to see if you have been featured on my blog! I hope you guys can understand and get this I made it just because you guys asked for an easier way to search and see if you have been featured on this blog!