
Showing posts from November 20, 2016

New Serries- 'Aced Art'

 Hello everyone! I'm happy to inteoduce a new serries coming the the Acer AJ Blog!  The new serries is going to be called 'Aced Art' it is where I and many many other jammers will go around Jamaa, and find amazing artists' masterpeices! So congragulations to the amazing artists Uhari  and Eahhollyblossom ! Both of you have Aced Art!  I didn't take the Screenshots of both of theese masterpeices, all I know is that the second one was taken by Gato148. I hope all of you guys enjoy this new serries I am going to start, I know I am going to enjoy looking at all of you amazing Jammer's art!

Why Phantoms Drop Gems

So I was just looking around, and i was thinking about adventures and how they drop 25 gems. Then while I was scrolling through the G+ Community of Animal Jam, I came across the Pet certificate shown to the left. (I still don't understand the certificate thing, hahaha...)  It just dawned on me that one of the main reasons in the very beta stages of the adventures they barely memtioned part of the phantoms being a problem was them taking jammers things, (clothes, den items, gems) and thats why in some of the adventures you can see jammers items that were stolen from jamaa in the phantom realm. Thats also why when you poof a phantom, they drop gems... It's a little weird to think that when you get a phantom your taking 25 dirty phantom gems that they had eaten.... heh.