
Showing posts from August 14, 2016

How To Make a Rainbow Potion

Hello! My name is Acer and this Page will be dedicated to showing you how to make a "Rainbow Potion" Step 1: Go to the Temple of Zios on the Map Step 2: Go to Brady's Lab (Next to the chamber of knowledge) Step 3: When in Brady's Lab, click Chemistry set at the bottom of the screen, it has a Game tag on it. Step 4: When in the Chemistry set, click the Blue 3 times, click the Green 3 times, Click the Red 3 times, and then click the little fire 3 times, when done click your beaker, and your done! It will make a special sound to indicate that you have properly made the secret potion! And thats it! When done properly, it will come out as a bunch of diffrent colors (All the possible colors to make in the chemistry set)  and randomly change in a rainbow fashion, when you do this properly, you will be given the achievement "Chemist!"

Just Listen. (News)

If you all want me to start a REAL AJ drama Alert I need sources, I need people, I need a community to help me, the AJ community has many people willing to do so, but I dont know if any are willing to do so with me. If you want to help me? Email me @ that is my work email. Other news: I have contacted AJHQ in hopes of getting my username changed, once form drama (into Jammer07g8g) and now i am hoping to change it into ÅÇÊŸ If that does work out with AJHQ, that will be my new username on Aj. Other than that, I am working on posts! You will start to see changes, links, etc added to this blog, I am going to start a bunch of amazing things to include everyone!