Just Listen. (News)

If you all want me to start a REAL AJ drama Alert I need sources, I need people, I need a community to help me, the AJ community has many people willing to do so, but I dont know if any are willing to do so with me. If you want to help me? Email me @ Aceraceracer@gmail.com that is my work email.

Other news:

I have contacted AJHQ in hopes of getting my username changed, once form drama (into Jammer07g8g) and now i am hoping to change it into ÅÇÊŸ If that does work out with AJHQ, that will be my new username on Aj. Other than that, I am working on posts!

You will start to see changes, links, etc added to this blog, I am going to start a bunch of amazing things to include everyone!


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