The Non-Member "Equality" Rant

So, I'm already realizing the second that I post this there is going to be that one person that comments “how dare you say such a thing!” And I'm just going to say this right now.

Go back to G+, Facebook, Tumblr, or wherever you came, because I am showing both sides, and making a Fair rant, but still putting my opinion in it.

Okay- i'm just going to say to say right now.


The people that say that there is no reason Members should
Have more features than non-members, but just… Look at this.

Before you say there is no reason for members to have more features than non members, lOOK AT THOSE NUMBERS. People pay REAL MONEY to get the membership feature. If you don't know what AJHQ thinks about non-membership and membership, and their features, this is what they say.

And this

Okay well yeah, this all seems reasonable. The only reason memberships exist is to keep the game running, and yanno pay the people that make the game work… But before someone goes raging down below on how this is bias so far on supporting the fact that members should have more features than non-members and it's because I am a member. Just please, scroll up. And look at my gamer tag in the gif heading this post. If you can not tell, I am a non-member. Just-

Ok, AJ has gone out of line a few times… Especially with the fact stuff like this happens. Turning a non-member item into a member item, I mean. It is a little ridiculous.
To be turning simple Den items, from Non-Member to Member items is a little weird, go into and Den Item store and Just give me a ratio right now what the NonM/M items their are, and if you dont kmow what a ratio means, it means to take the number of NM items and then compare them to the number of Member items in that store, or possibly the entire game. But lets be honest here, its gonna be obvious that there are more member items in the game than NM items, but if you made the ratio it would be a little high in comparison. a little too high in my opinion....

Oh, by the way, enjoy that giant space above because I can't get the photo's to combine together... I do agree, it does come to a point where AJ members shouldn't treat NM's like a second-class jammer, that is completly wrong, but it is a little irritating when NM's get irritated when members host 'Members only' Parties. Well, that just means NM's can host 'NM's Only Parties'. Just to end off this little Fairness topic I have put in here I am going to put in a little list showing why there is a little bit of Unfairness in the game, but some of the reasons I put in here I will mention later, so no, I didn't forget a bunch of stuff in this one section.
Things that couldn't hurt to be changed in the Game:
  1. More Den Items For NM's
  2. Free Chat for all NM's? (one of the reasons free chat was taken away from new created NM acounts was because of the spam accounts people were creating)
  3. A few more NM Adventures? (the ones that are there, are getting old!)
  4. Dimond Shop items?
  5. The ability to Write Messages in Jam-A-Grams (also noted guys remember spam!)
  6. Music For our dens?
  7. (Den items) A little more flooring and wallpaper? (its been Cloudy Skys and wood flooring for how long now?)
  8. A few More Animal Slots?
  9. While I am very proud of my pig, can we get a little more choice in the non-default animals?
  10. Sending and Recieving Gifts?
  11. Save our Masterpeicese
  12. You litterally cant say 'I' if you dont have free chat, you have to say 'eye'
  13. Can we get the Chat History option back? I go AFK a lot and I just see random people in my den and I look so stupid just saying 'wot man i was afk' every time I have to go render a GIF for my next post.
(Update, Chat history feature was added, don't kill me on fake news)

Things I am happy they Changed in the game:

  1. (This one is old) The ability to have an Under-Water den
  2. We can now change colors to the items we buy
  3. The few Diamond Shop items we can get
  4. Pets
But other than that, let me just put my opinion in riiiiiiiighhhhht......

here. I DO NOT CARE.

But other than the fact that I don't care, there really is no point for me to, who cared about my opinion anyways?

Many people (by that I mean Nm's) have started to get angry, and I personally have raged once or twice when I was trying to make a scene or two, but I couldnt buy a simple table to put in my den.

I mean, if AJ was created for ALL to play wild, while I still Agree Members should get lots more features than Non-Members, because they actually pay real life money to get that status in the game, I don't really think that cutting pretty much all of the NM items out of the game, and then when they do relase a NM items they out something out like the Golf Bag, personally, I play golf, But the item itself looks like something you would find in a garage sale at the wrong end of town, being sold by a guy with one eye....

"Lions Roar, Eagles Soar, Non-Members Deserve More!" ~Some kid that can rhyme

The main problems I have with that phrase, is that the second someone says that pretty much every single Member in the server you are on, gets triggered. Still, don't get me wrong, NM's at this point can barely play the game. But sometimes it gets to a point where NM's are demanding EQUALITY with members, going back up to the point I made in the Beguining of this post, MEMBERS PAY FOR THEIR MEMBERSHIP GUYS!

'Spam' Accounts; Gifting:
By this point in time there is most likely at least one person going 'Wot is a spam acount acer why are u a crackead m8 wot u doin?'


A spam account is, well here are some expamples. You log into the server, and there is a 'NEW JAMMER' (this is why thy added New Jammer Accounts so someone couldn't just make an account that looked like it was valid) and they are doing an obvious scam, like trust trading. Let us all be honest here, we have all at least seen one. Most of the time before the NEW JAMMER tag was a thing until the account was active for a certain amount of hours, somone would make an account just for Scamming people, and then send the items that they had accumulated from that scamming hunt to their main account. But don't get me wrong, this is one of those sittuations where it is 'one bad apple ruined the bunch' but at one point in time on Animal Jam, this is back when I was in a Partnership on YouTube up in the thousands, lets not go down that road. You could not log into Animal Jam without seeing a Non-Member account that had the achevements showing it was just made, trying to scam you into giving your rares away to that one guy in the corner thst can't just earn them the fair way. That is also a main reason that Free Chat was taken away from NM accounts, I have proven this theory right on many occasions, but I do not know this for absolute certain.

 The game is getting boring for many people
Yes, you may be a die hard non-member on AJ, but there have been many hardcore
jammers that just slowly faded away into nothing, I was one of thoose jammers at a point. If you are Non-Member, or sometimes even Members, when a member would loose there membership and not be able to get it back, many people would just quit. Not saying all Members do that, but some do, with how far they had come, possibly all the rare member items they had collected, now becoming useless, they are left at a point where they could A: adapt to the new way they are going to have to play the game, and accept how many changes this can cause to their gameplay. Or B: Ragequit, personally I do this a lot even if it isn't over my membership. Non-Members becoming bored with the game they have loved so dearly can come with either age, or the fact that the same things that they are being left to do, like a fish in stagnent water are getting boring... The occasional update adding new feature can only do so much.... And they just fade away.

If you all enjoyed this rant, and the fact that I am coming back to this blog and im coming in with a bang, comment down below and be sure to share this rant, and if you do nO JOKE. You are going to log onto your account and you will have all the rares you have ever wanted. No scam. (o-o)


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