Hello Everyone! Long time no see-

What has become of AJ- and why are so many of my ideas being claimed as their own?

Hello everyone~ I am happy to say that with a bit of change and style and a bunch more inspiration I will be opening this blog again! But it hurts a little bit to see a bunch of stuff I started a long time ago to be copied and claimed as their own. But of corse I can't prove that, I don't know if they came up with it on their own, or if they saw that I had went on a long Hiatus and they decided to pick it up. Without crediting me.... Oh whatever, aside from that.

What happened to your Username?

Long story short- got into some drama when I was on Hiatus and when I was preparing to re open this blog about two months Ago I couldn't log into my account- so I logged into my Storage account to see that my Username had been changed along with a bunch of other settings, so with a lot of work, my account is slightly back in shape- well enough for me to officially open this blog up again!

What are you going to post about?

Well, when I said change of style i really meant it,  but you all will just have to find out :)

What do you mean your ideas being stolen?

About 4 months back, I had started a little mini series (before i changed the URL of this website, it was called Animal Jam News Hawks then) Called Jamaa Alert, it was mainly a mock of Keemstar's Drama Alert, but came the time when I went on Hiatus to start the X-Run series on my main website 33 Squad Official website, I came back to realize some Big and small youtubers had picked up what I started a while back and, well, slightly copied my idea... But I will not point any fingers at anyone because i dont want to start this blog off on a bad foot.... 

How often will you be posting?

Hopefully I wont procrastinate, but I plan to post at least once every week, maybe more. But of corse there will be times where I cant upload a post that week so bare with me, alright? I am planning to upload every Wednesday!

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